Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Knock Knock...

Since I've been under the weather, I've had a little more time than usual to ponder Oswald. He's been talking about hearing "the Call of God" like Jack London heard The Call of the Wild. I find this thought intriguing.

I have a friend who clearly hears the "call of the sea" because she lived much of her life on an island. John Eldredge obviously hears a call from the desert. But because I have limited-to-no experiences with these places, I hear no distinct call from them. But the mountains- now that's a different story. Often in my husband's posts you can sense the power that the mountains hold on us as a family. He was raised there- those mountains are part of who he is. My parents and grandparents- back who knows how many generations- were raised there and so I have that thread in me as well. The mountains speak loudly to us- it's not an audible voice- it's a tugging, a claiming, that we belong to them, that there is where we will find home, peace, wholeness. In his childish wisdom, Will once said that when we leave there, part of us stays behind. So when we leave again, we are less complete than when we came!

Now to consider that we each have the same thread in us- all of us- that is God. There is a calling to Him, a tugging, a claiming, pulling us toward Him, struggling to be there with Him. When we leave it haunts us, calling us back. When we're there, there is peace and wholeness.

We don't all have the same experiences here on earth- we don't all have a call to the sea or to the mountains. But everyone one of us has God in us- He breathed his life into us- each one. This is something we can be certain of! We can speak with confidence to those we meet along the way and know that they will understand this call because we are all made in His image. To those who have yet to meet Him on a personal level it may seem strange, but I am convinced that they will know that this call to wholeness and peace exists.

They just don't know it's God that's calling.

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

Revelation 3:20


Anonymous said...

Yes, that's it exactly Allison!
And one thing is for certain..When I'm at work and something reminds me of the quiet time I had with Him earlier that morning, I am convinced that it is He inviting me back for more. Oh how awesome it is to know that he is waiting to me with me again. Thanks for such a beautiful post today!

Anonymous said...

Allison, you are so right. The way you have put this really good.

Kingfisher said...

So nicely said. Just reading it causes me to "hear the call." The warm feeling of belonging in the universe, of home, of security and peace.
"Deep calls to deep at the sound of thy waterbrooks."

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling much better.
I'm missing your daily blog. (Hint, hint).