Monday, February 27, 2006

Bird Names

Have you ever seen a Rufus Sided Towhee? Isn't that a great name? Rufus Sided Towhee. I just like saying it! And it's a really cool looking bird- one of my favorites. There are other cool birds with names that describe them: Black Capped Chickadees, Ruby Crested Kinglets, Red Whiskered Bulbuls (I'm not joking!). But my favorite bird of all isn't named for what he looks like; he's named for where he lives: the Eastern Bluebird.

If I were a bird, they'd have to call me something horrible like the Brown Haired Forty Something. I think I'd rather be known by where I abide.


rod said...

the Dappled Orangey Irmese

Anonymous said...

oh my...would your post today have anything to do w/your upcoming
"fortysomething" birthday this month? :)

Anonymous said...

oops....can't type my own initials

rod said...

Ok then,
Respited Dappled Orangitis in Spiritus

sunshine said...

I've got one for you: how 'bout the Purple-sided Flow-He?

Anonymous said...

How about the "Southern Orange Lilt"

Anonymous said...

Why not based on what you do? like the woodpecker.....I'd vote for warm hearted, wise encourager? and by the can only be a wise encourager when you have a few years (and a few bumps) to acquire that wisdom! what a rare and wonderful find you are :)!

sunshine said...

OK, this bird name thing is fun! I wish you all had blog sites and we could all name each other (Rod got his ;-)
Bonnie: You'd have to be some kind of lark, with wisdom and beauty that glows from Heaven....I'm working on it!
/sp: Yours has lots and lots of Color! that's for sure!
You'll just have to come back and see if I've come up with them!

Sparrow said...

Found your blog and am browsing a bit. ;-)

I like this post. My on-line nicname is Sparrow. I chose that for several reasons, like the fact that I'm chipper and talkative, and of course, have plain brown hair. But mostly I chose it because of the Biblical references. It reminds me that God is a personal God. (Matthew 10)
