Wednesday, November 30, 2005


You should see the beautiful view I have out my kitchen window. The sky is my favorite color of blue- it's a clear, crisp, sophisticated blue- cold but beautiful. And the leaves are red, orange, yellow, brown, and there's still some green out there. There aren't very many birds today...I don't know what they're doing. But I found our bird, Harvie, sitting in the dining room today. No idea how she got out of her cage. Maybe she wanted to go outside and fly in that beautiful view- she has to look at it all day from inside the house- from inside her cage. Maybe there's a bird gathering going on outside somewhere that she caught wind of and maybe she was trying to go- some kind of bird world cup or something. I put her back in her cage. She seemed ok with it.

I wish I was.


Anonymous said...

Harvie... she's like as old as abby! that's one old bird! ha... i remember when you found out it was a girl. haha... oh the days when i was little.

sunshine said...

She is old. She's still going strong. She's terrified of the new toys I bought her recently. Poor thing. She let me pick her up today off of the dining room chair without biting me! I think she was tired and worried. I gave her a bowl of Crispix and she dug right in!

sunshine said...

No, Grumpy, I think you got the whole thing exactly right. Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful is the body of Christ.