I've always preferred the New Testament verses over the Old Testament. I used to think that the Old Testament just wasn't as easy to understand or apply to my circumstances. But I respect the fact that it's first and the beginning is supposedly a very good place to start.
As I read about God's character of grace and the commentaries on it, I realized that I was learning who God is. God seems to really enjoy giving us absolutely everything we need: enter a lamb for Abraham's sacrifice and manna from heaven. Apparently, this is grace. He also prefers to dish out mercy and forgiveness, to save us from destruction when, in fact, He's quite justified to blow us off the planet: enter Lot and his family when Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed. He enjoys turning devastating events into wonderfully, good things for those who choose to follow Him: enter Joseph sold into slavery and thrown in prison only to save his family by rising to a position of power second only to Pharoh. He loves to reward faithfulness with blessing: enter Hannah, barren and depressed, who gives her blessing baby, Samuel, to the service of God. God in turn blesses her with more children. Enter midwives who refused to kill the Israelite boys being blessed with families of their own. Enter Solomon who asks for wisdom instead of riches. God surely smiled as He gave Solomon both because He was pleased with Solomon's choice.
God wants to bless us. He wants to supply our needs. He wants to turn our devastating events into huge victories. This, apparently, is grace. He even desires to cheat death for us. In His mercy and grace He found a way around it. And I wasn't reading in the New Testament, Isaiah, or Psalms. It was in 2 Samuel 14:14
Like water spilled on the ground which cannot be recovered, so we must die. But God does not take away life; instead, He devises ways so that a banished person may not remain estranged from Him
I believe they're talking about grace here.
My goodness that was awesome! It's certainly nice being able to learn and grow just because you are taking the time to share what you are learning. Thanks Allison.
P.S. Did you know I've been printing off your blogs so they can be read again at night? Like a little "extra" devotional. It's a nice way to end my day.
I love this verse from Samuel. To think that God "devises ways", things of all kinds of things he can do, to make sure that when I have left his presence I don't remain estranged from him for long.
I had never read this verse before! I knew the story-had read it years and years ago but had no reference at that point in my life to the eternal life aspect of it (I was really young :-) Anyway, it was such a gift yesterday when I read it. I'm so glad ya'll liked it too. And /sp, you're silly! But I'm glad you're reading. Have you stopped by Kingfisher's site? You may be adding some more reading to your morning!
funny you should ask that..i returned to this site just to see what lb and kingfisher had to say today....if you told me kingfisher had a blog site i forgot...gonna check that out right now. get back w/you on that tomorrow! :) thanks.
well that didn't take long...can't find a link to kingfisher. not to computer savvy myself so maybe i'm missing something here..... ???
ok, i'm a genius. figured it out and found it all by myself. read some of it, enjoyed it and now (thank you allison my friend ) w/really be in trouble cause you are correct...w/probably add kingfisher site to my morning read.
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