Friday, November 11, 2005

That It May Go Well With You

One of the things that frustrates me most about my beautiful daughter is that when asked to do something, she always has a comment about why she doesn't or shouldn't have to do that. She may still perform the requested task but it's always with a comment. You know the type:
"I didn't put it there!"
"It's not mine!"
"It's just going to get messed up again anyway!"
"Who died and made YOU God?"
(Now, she's never actually said that last one to me but I know with the teen years coming it's only a matter of time!)
And my response is always the same. Frustrated, I fume, "Just do as I asked. I didn't ask if you wanted to do it, I just said 'do it!'" But usually if I say something like that we end up in a debate/discussion about why the task needs to be accomplished by her, now. And the most frequent way for it to end is by me saying, (screaming), "BECAUSE I TOLD YOU TO!"

Today's Oswald is about the very same thing. Obedience without excuse making, debating, complaining, or hesitation. Why that today? Why does he have to talk about immediate obedience when I have to do something that God's asked me to do today that I don't want to do? I've discussed it over and over with Him, explaining to Him that what He's asked isn't really necessary, He's blowing the whole thing out of proportion, you know?

I began to ponder if everyone in the Bible was as perfect at obedience as Abraham and Jesus. I just wanted to read about someone whom God loved that was just as disobedient as me. I wanted to see how it all went for him. It didn't take me long to think of Jonah. Praise God for Jonah!

I've never really identified personally with Jonah. I've always thought that if the great voice of God told me to do something I'd do it immediately, no matter how awful or absurd it sounded. Problem is, I've never really believed God would ever ask me to do something. Yet he does.

He doesn't ask me to go to Ninevah. (He asks me to be there for someone who's not very likeable, to reach out to them, love them, and be Jesus to them.) He doesn't ask me to sacrifice my child. (He asks me to not be so busy carting my children around that I don't have time for him.) He doesn't ask me to die for the sins of the world. (He asks me to die to self so that I will know what it is He's asking me to do.) And he doesn't allow for me to learn this in any other way than through obedience. It's through obedience that I learn that He's got my best interest in mind.

When I realize that, truely believe it, then the excuses can stop and I can go do what it is I need to do today knowing that because of who He is, it will all turn out for the best.


Anonymous said...

It was necessary for me to read your blog twice so it could really sink in. How is it that you seem to know just what I need to think about during the day? Thanks again Allison.

sunshine said...

It's weird; It's not me- it's Oswald or more likely, God! So often I read in my Oswald exactly what I need to hear that day. Talk about an omniscient God!

Anonymous said...

He is awesome and no matter how bad we think it is going to be (whatever the situation is we have to face) God always has His hand on it and it turns out better than we can imagine!!! We just seem to forget each time, I know I do...