Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Praise In Motion....Princesses????

On, Andrew Jones discusses how worship "back in Bible days" used to be a worship of movement. He says, (and I agree), that worship has become "static"- people just sitting or standing still. People didn't praise God sitting still originally. God made us to praise Him. You can see this in the Psalms when the psalmist speaks of the majesty of God's creation praising Him. Waterfalls, birds, ocean waves, trees. And human beings.

I lead a small group of girls at our church in worship dancing. I'm not a dancer, but I can praise (I qualify, you know?- I'm a child of God!). Well, last night, at our first meeting for the new school year, we were trying to figure out a better name than what we've been bestowed (Creative Movement.... BORING!) While putting together acronyms, I muttered something about "Praise In Motion.... P.I.M". Before I could finish my thought, (which was, "hmmmmm....what could we do with that?"), one of my precious dancers came up with "Princesses!! we could be P.I.M.P. Dancers!!!"

Obviously we need a little help here. Ideas anyone?

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