Saturday, June 03, 2006

A Wedding

Today my husband will be officiating his very first-ever wedding. I am so happy for him! So many people say that my husband reminds them of Jesus. (A friend once even told me she wondered if being married to him was like being married to Jesus!) It's because of his good heart and his quiet, loving, wisdom. He glows when he worships and total strangers can (and have) spilled their entire life stories of woes to him on first meeting! But this whole wedding thing is something special.

One of my favorite pictures of Jesus is his first recorded miracle at the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-11). I have always pictured Jesus as quite happy, jovial, even playful at the wedding. What a delight to have him bless a wedding by supplying "divine" wine! My husband won't be doing any miracles today at the wedding and certainly won't be conjuring up any heavenly wine but I do believe he will bless this union in a very special way.

Just one more way he's like Jesus.

And to the bride and groom: May your love be as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. May it burn like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Let it be so strong that many waters will not be able to quentch it, many rivers unable to wash it away.

Blessings on you all!

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