Saturday, March 04, 2006

Finding a Purpose for Squirrels

Last night's post was my lesson on how to put a picture on my blog. I took those pictures out my kitchen window, where I so often sit for my time alone with God. There really isn't any deep meaning or purpose behind them; the silly squirrel just caught my attention (and distracted me) so I took his picture. If I thought long and hard enough about it, I might be able to 'invent' some deep spiritual meaning but this morning it just feels like too much of an effort!

Last night, Rod & I were talking about serving God and being "missional God-followers". I told him that I believe that most Christians are NOT "missional God-followers". We get saved, many times at a young age, and decide that praying and living a good life are what it's all about. This is our we've chosen to live. You live your way; I'll live mine. And hence, we begin to have no more intimate feelings for God than a sentimentality for the church (the building or institution or maybe- if we're lucky- even the people in our Sunday School class). Serving God goes, at most, as far as babysitting in the 2 year old Sunday School or leading a small group of believers in Bible study. There are missional Christians...but they are not us. They are the ones we highlight in our Missions Conference every spring. Surely God understands this; doesn't He? I mean, He's ok with it, right?

Well, as per norm, Oswald had something to say about this this morning. He says,
It's easier to serve God without vision, easier to work for God without a call, because then you are not bothered by what God requires; common sense is your guide, veneered over by Christian sentiment.
In other words, we "everyday, working Christians" come by this attitude quite naturally- it's the easy way.

But what would happen if we became sensitive to what God requires? Paul was sensitive to what God requires and he became a fanatic! He talked about sacrificing our bodies as "living sacrifices" and equated all he had ever had or done as nothing but "mere rags". But beyond Paul, the ultimate example is Jesus Himself. He was sensitive to what God required and he came, poured himself out for us, was tortured and accomplished the impossible. Now that's a calling! No wonder we take the easy road!

I refuse to be daunted by this. I believe enough in the power of my God to know that He will supply me with all I would need to serve Him the way He would require. A very wise friend of mine once said that we should all be in a position at all times where we have one person spiritually stronger than us, mentoring us, speaking into our lives, challenging us and another person with whom we are doing the same- we are mentoring them, challenging them, praying for and with them. How blessed I am that I have people "above" me speaking into my life. And although there may be people on the flip side, into whose lives I speak, it is not intentionally missional. It's done haphazardly, subconsciously, "accidently".

I don't believe that God wants us to serve Him "by accident". I believe He wants us to know exactly what His call on our lives is and for us to respond in kind. Unlike my squirrel pictures, I believe He wants us to be intentional, to serve with purpose. We don't inspire people to give their lives to Christ by being pretty pictures on the shelf. We weren't saved to be trophies. We were saved to serve.


Anonymous said...

Once again Allison I must disagree..."and although there may be people on the flip side, into whose lives I speak, it is not intentionally missional. It's done haphazardly
subconsciously, "accidently".
Whoa-a-a there! Maybe this blog today is just over my head, but I don't get it. Why do you say it's subconsciously, accidently? What about your blogs? Aren't they intentional? Aren't you trying to share what you learn? ....they "are" speaking to me, challenging me, mentoring me.
(and to the others that read your blog)Perhaps you are just unaware of how your blogs encourage your readers. :) We love you Allison. You are such a great influence and encourager to many.

sunshine said...

Thanks, /sp. I didn't mean to dismiss my blogs - they aren't subconscious or accidents. They are like a journal of what I learn so I don't really see them as missional (although I know they can be). I have another picture of intentionally missional and although blogging is part of it, there is another part that I need to improve on!