Monday, February 13, 2006

Hold Fast

There's a website that I've grown to like a lot: I love my Bible, don't get me wrong, but there's a lot to appreciate about a website that can look up just one word in the Bible and help you find the verse. You don't even have to have the word right- as long as you have the general topic!

Tonight I looked up the exact phrase, "love the Lord your God" and found 13 references. The first 10 references were in the Old Testement and the last 3 were the words of Jesus in the synoptic gospels. Once upon a time (not so very long ago) I errantly thought that this was the first of the 10 Commandments; it's not. In fact, it's not one of the 10 Commandments at all. It is a plea by Moses to the people of Israel after he gives them the 10 Commandments; a plea to love God by obeying His commands; that these commands are to be inscribed on our hearts and impressed upon our children; that our obedience to them will demonstrate our love for Him.

In several of the verses, we are also instructed to simultaneously "hold fast" to God. That intrigued me. Hold fast? Why? Is God trying to go somewhere? to get away from us? No, God is not going anywhere. In fact, we are reminded repeatedly in scripture that He will never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6, Deuteronomy 31:8, Joshua 1:5,Psalm 94:14, Hebrews 13:5,Matthew 28:20b). Then why the need to "hold fast"?

We hold fast because life is trying desperately to rip Him from our grasp. Satan is waiting to devour us, stalking us like a hungry lion, waiting for us to let go just long enough for him to strike (1 Peter 5:8). Notice it doesn't say that God is having any trouble holding on to us; only that we will have to strive to hold on to Him. Praise God that Jesus promises that His grip is good (John 10:28-29)!

I teach my students that in order to soothe a squirming, 1/2 awake infant back into sleep to accomplish a thorough assessment, they should hold the baby's hand. Holding hands is very soothing and will settle the infant back into a quiet rest that allows easier assessment. For some reason, they're always surprised when this works so well! But we are all innately "holders". I was a blanket holder, just like Linus. Some of the stuffed animals that I see in my job are further proof that we like to "hold on" for security. People hold on to material things, hold on to relationships, hold onto memories, and old hurts. But it only makes sense that the more we're holding on to, the harder it is to get that "fast" grip on God.

I know that the most important command is to love God with all my heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37) but I've missed this instruction to "hold fast". I'm sorry that I've so often neglected this part of the plea to love God. It's time I take a long, hard look at exactly what I'm holding so tightly in my hands. I believe I need to empty my hands, let go of some things, so that I can hold on just a little tighter to God.

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