Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Of Hearing and Belonging

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own

These are the words of Jesus. And it's embarrassing but true that so often, I read the words of Jesus and never hear them. I must not be alone. It must be why he so often said, "He who has ears, let him hear." But when I read these words today, they struck a new chord. It was Jesus proving a point to me... I do not belong to the world. And he wants that to be obvious to me.

So who, exactly, belongs to the world? And how does the world love it's own? According to Jesus, those who do not believe in him belong to the world and those who belong to the world are "slaves to sin" (See John 8:23-24 and John 8:34). So that's how the world cares for its own- it sells them into slavery, robs them of their freedom. The world hates Jesus because he makes it clear to all that what it is doing is evil (John 7:7).

When I love someone that is my own, I take good care of them. I love my children. Tonight, I fed them good food. I gently dealt with worn out exhaustion, embarrassing problems and even a bad dream with them. I played frisbee in the park and watched them chase birds and dance. I listened to them. I told them, "I love you" and hugged each one. I love my husband. Today I kept in contact with him while he's away. I spent time with him. I gave him a gift and I shared my heart with him. I've thought of him, dwelt on him, daydreamed about him. These people that belong to me swell my heart with love. They occupied my time and efforts. They are mine and they are a precious priorty to me. And as far as I know, I did nothing remotely like selling them into slavery.

On the other hand, I know how the world "loves" us. It tells us we are unlovable; it tells us that we must be slim, beautiful, rich, influential to be worthy of love. It tells us that it's ok to do anything and everything that might bring us these qualities. We can starve ourselves or abuse drugs or our bodies to make them slim. We can color our hair, have plastic surgery or despise ourselves. We can steal, lie, cheat, or suffer to gain our position in life or wealth or power. These are the characteristics of an abusive relationship. The world is an abusive "lover". And it's a relationship we must sever completely.

Jesus cares for us in a completely different way. He provides light so that we might see clearly and not stumble (John 8:12) He provides us with bread that is life abundant and living water that causes us to never thirst again (John 6:31-35). He lays down his life for us so that we can live in eternal knowledge of God the Father. He takes us from that life in prison to sin and sets us free. He is the truth and the truth will set us free (John 14:6 and John 8:32).

The Jews that Jesus was talking to that day couldn't understand at all what he was saying. They argued with him about their legitimacy as children of Abraham and their status as slaves. He told them that they didn't understand him because they belonged to Satan, the prince of this world. Those who hear him and understand what he says belong to God (John 8:47)

So thanks, Jesus, for being patient. Thanks for repeating things over and over like, "Let him who has ears, hear". Thanks for continuing to reveal to me the obviousness of how I do not belong to this world. It is obvious that the world does not care for me. It is You, Lord, that cares for me. You and those who you placed in my life to love me. I'm glad I hear you- it's more proof that I belong to you.

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. John 15:18-19 (New International Version)

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