Thursday, June 08, 2006

Fodder for Songs

I told you the other day that I had read all the way through my Oswald. It has given me so much fodder for blogging. What on earth would I do without my Oswald to inspire my blogs? Well, never fear! The same best friend that honored me with my Oswald, blessed me with another devotional classic on June 4th: Streams in the Desert. And lo and behold, more fodder! But this one was just said so perfectly that I don't think I have much to add. So here it is for you:
The strength of a ship is only fully demonstrated when it faces a hurricane, and the power of the gospel can only be fully exhibited when a Christian is subjected to some firey trial. We must understand that for God to give "songs in the night," He must first make it night.
-Nathaniel William Taylor

So for all who may be experiencing some "night" and for all that have and will experience it, may God, your Creator, bless you with songs. (Job 35:10)


Anonymous said...

Finally, I am able to leave a comment. This computer net work I'm on kicks me out of certain areas from time to time.... Allison, that was another great blog. I've so enjoyed the last 3 that you've written because you have touched on subjects that I've needed to ponder or in one instance have experienced. Thank you again for sharing what the Lord has put on your heart. Please keep it up!

sunshine said...

Thanks for the encouragment, /sp. Missed seeing you last night! Thanks for reading and commenting. It's embarassing but true: I blog more often when I get comments!