Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I Love That Scent You're Wearing!

Rod recently bestowed upon me my very own i-Pod, complete with over 700 songs. One of my very favorites is Scarborough Fair, performed exquisitely by Gypsy Soul. An odd little song with a haunting melody, I've never been quite sure what it was about- until now. I've always wondered why they sing, over and over again, "Parsely, sage, rosemary, and thyme". And I think I've figured it out- it's about scent and memory. Anyone who has cooked with fresh herbs knows they are heavy, unique scents. This lover is remembering her true love who is gone away and for some reason, the scent of parsely, sage, rosemary, and thyme bring back his memory.

There's a scientifically proven link between scent and memory. No other sense can trigger memory as strongly as smell. I think this is interesting when considering the verse from Isaiah that says,
Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts. (Is. 26:8, NIV)

Now, you may be wondering what scents have to do with this verse- so I'll have to tell you!!! (Watch out! I've been looking up Hebrew words again!) Since I have recently studied "delight" and that word was sometimes translated "desire", I started wondering what this particular "desire" meant. This was a different "desire"- this one is nephesh, meaning the very inner being of who we are- our essence, our soul, appetite, mind. So ponder that: The very essence of my being, my soul, my appetite, desires this thing- that's a deep desire- and for what? The desire is for "God's name and renown".

Hmmm. God's name and renown. I am to have a deep, essence-being desire for God's renown. What does that mean? So I looked up "renown". And here comes the smell... renown is the Hebrew word zeker meaning scent, memory, memorial, remembrance. There they were- scent and memory in one word- together. We are to desire with our innermost being- our very essence- the scent of God- the memory of Him.

Smells are not private things. Just walk down the mall near a Yankee Candle store and you know everyone else is smelling it too- like it or not! We strive to cover our own personal scents with things like deodorants and perfumes. And it is the scent of God that we are to desire to conjure up. We are to desire His scent to be present where ever we are. It's who we are- what we are about in our very essence. And when we bring up this scent of God it will not be a private thing- it will be noticeable to others.

I wonder how often I actually conjure up the scent of God- or even how often it is in my very essence to desire to do so. Can I really claim what Isaiah says as my own, real, desire? Oh how I want to. I want it the way Paul describes it:
In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life. But those on the way to destruction treat us more like the stench from a rotting corpse.
-2 Corinthians 2:14-16 The Message

I want the scent of Christ to eminate from me and to call to mind the God of the universe that others would be drawn to Him. But how does one achieve this? Obviously they don't sell this scent at Bath and Bodyworks but sadly enough, I believe many think they can slip into church and pick it up at the altar on the way out, much like shopping at Bath and Body. No, this scent comes from staying in close proximity to our Lord.

Sometimes Rod rubs my face with his just before he leaves for work for the day. All day long I can smell his cologne from where it rubbed off on me. This is much the same way we are to obtain that scent of God for others to smell. Rub up against Him- close against Him- closer still. So close that His scent rubs off on you. And stay there- praying, praising, reading His word, pondering Him. Then, when we go out into the world, we smell like Him. And who knows what the result of that might be?


Anonymous said...

What a lovely image. Thanks again Allison for blogging. You always give me something to ponder. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Allison, you are way, way, way overdue in your blogging. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't know. My visual sense is pretty strong!