Friday, March 31, 2006

Bread and Fish for All

There's something about spring that causes life to get a little bit too hectic. I'm always amazed by my calendar each spring- there's so much written on it. Kids' big end-of-year school trips, concerts, track meets, recitals. And then for some reason, there's all these other things, like doctor's appointments and such that I've completely forgotten about! I don't even have time to go to the gym! I get so busy that I easily fall away from my time alone with God.

This morning, I sat down to read my Oswald and looked back in my journal mourning that for the first time since I've had it, there were pages and pages over the past 2 weeks that were empty. I decided I'd try to read some of the days I'd missed and went back to the first day, March 9th. How "Oswald" of him... it was about falling away and chosing to leave Jesus' side.

When Jesus' teachings got too hard, many of his disciples (according to the end of John, chapter 6) decided they would no longer follow Jesus. Jesus asked his handpicked twelve, "Are you leaving too?" There is such wisdom in Peter's answer. "Who would we go to? You alone have the words of life".

My problem is that I never take the time to hear Jesus ask if I'm leaving. I never consider who else I'd turn to. I know that when I turn to myself or family or friends or schedules to follow, I am purposeless and unhappy. There is no abundant life in that. I know He asks. I'm just not always listening. And I know that if I took the time to answer, my answer would be the same as Peter's. So the lesson today is to always ask yourself, to whom would you go, Allison? Who else has bread and fish for all?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great thoughts! Thank you.